Inca Government Functioning

The Incas ruled their empire with a centralized government and four provincial governments. The Inca was the head of the Inca empire. At the top of the Inca government, we found the Apu; he was the leader and principal authority of one quarter of the kingdom. The Inca Empire had four parts, so they were four Apus; each Apu has three sub Apus helping him with the administration.

Inca Government Functioning

The Incan government was a functioning theocracy, INCA was god and man. He was also the head of the government. Therefore, any crime committed was committed against the INCA, and that made it a religious offense too. The Incas did not have many rules, but what they have was strictly enforced.

Inca Government System

The government was responsible for taking care of the people, including the poor, the sick, and the elderly. The government built roads and bridges and aqueducts to carry water to the people. In times of drought, the government distributed food.

When the Inca won new territories they moved groups of leaders around to ensure loyalty. A trusted leader would be relocated to a newly conquered territory while those less loyal would be relocated where someone could keep an eye on them.

Inca Laws

The government was highly organized without the benefits of a writing system. In order to control the population of such a vast territory they created laws that were rigidly enforced. Inca laws came from their customs and traditions and were imposed to newly conquered territories.

Inca imperial system

Once a person turned into fifteen, it became obligatory to participate in the Mita. It remain mandatory for a person until he became fifty. But Inca government always wisely calculated the amount of time one could share in Mita.

Messages were carried by relay. Groups of messengers lived in houses by main roads. The two messengers would run together for a while and the message was passed on from one man to the other. Using this relay system messages could be sent over long distances very quickly. Inca messengers could take messages 240 kilometers in one day.

Inca Imperial System

The Inca imperial system which controlled an area almost 3000 miles in extent was a stunning achievement of statecraft, but like all empires it lasted only as long as it could control its subject populations and its own mechanisms of government.

The tax requirements were high. Women were expected to weave a certain amount of cloth, while men had to mine or serve in the army. Taxes were expected to be paid by commoners.

Inca imperial system

There were several levels of tax collectors. There was one tax collector for every ayllu (for every family group.) That tax collector reported to a collector higher up the scale who might be in charge of 10 ayllus.

Today there is no government that can match the Inca government. For two reasons; because they were a well organize government and their speed to react.

More info on- Inca religion, Classes Structure, Society, Technology

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